Mind Your Music Business; Music Video Ideas That Won't Break The Bank

With today's cell phones having the capability to record high def videos, it is easier than ever to create your own music videos for the fresh new music you plan on releasing, or add an extra push or promo to a song getting lots of love. If you’re working on a shoestring budget, we’ve created a video to inspire some ideas that won’t break the bank - and potentially help the latest release with another big push in streams and downloads.


Video marketing is the best kind of digital content. It generally drives more views and engagement than any other social posting. Not everyone has a Spotify or Deezer account to access your music but anyone can view a YouTube link whenever and however many times they want. YouTube is the second largest search engine, and they've made new music discovery very easy to do .

After initial hype of your single release, a music video can generate a second push for streams and downloads serving as a kind of prolonged promotion. This plays an important role in staying relevant and on fan’s radar. It also puts a face and visual connection to your band which can strengthen their recollection of you and boost your branding! Keep in mind you wont make any direct profit from a music video. It’s basically a glorified promotion so it’s a good idea to come at it with some kind of ‘best bang for your buck’ angle.


Performance Videos 

A music video of the band or the singer performing their song is great for bands or artists who have a reputation for being energetic on stage. Get creative with location, like asking  a local venue if you can shoot during non-business hours, or finda field or abandoned building.

Story/Narrative Video 

Some songs are already great stories even without lyrics. When trying to stay on budget, a technique to stay out of the red is to start with the idea of what you would like to see then work backwards according to the tools you have access to around you. You could enlist the help of some friends or act it out alone. The video can also be a story non-related to the lyrics that still captures the mood or vibe of the song.

Experimental/Concept Video 

These videos are abstract and follow no real story line. Do you have access to interesting lighting, a green screen, maybe an artist friend can collaborate on an animated music video? The sky is the limit, literally with no script to follow the only limitations are your mind and the cool stuff that's within arm’s reach.

Lyric Video 

These are videos where the lyrics appear on the screen. Sometimes lyric videos are used more like place holders until a music video can be created but they still serve a purpose and are very helpful in keeping on fan’s radar. Lyric videos can be a great way to give your fans a deeper understanding of your music. This is especially true for singer-songwriter types who put a lot of effort into their lyrics, but also work just fine for any genre. You can hire people on sites like fivver or upwork. If you have some extra time on you, you could try your hand with some simple video editing programs. Some easy and creative ways to accomplish this is handwriting your own lyrics or using light trails.


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