Get To The Gig; KettleJam, Delaware’s only Jamgrass Festival

(Photo Credit ChrisGamberPhotography)

In the thick of the Clayton forest lives a place where community, freedom, and bluegrass is brewing. KettleJam is the brainchild of Susan Donoghue & Lisa Sipple, two good friends who met through music and attending festivals. KettleJam was originally scheduled for 2020 but due to COVID-19 restrictions, shifted into a smaller scale fundraiser with 4 bands performing for their supporters, close friends, and family. The initial fundraising event received such great feedback, they decided to move forward in 2021, selling out quickly with little to no advertising. 

Now the festival is back with three days of camping, carousing, and enough string instruments to keep the whole family entertained for the weekend. Music won’t be the only art making an appearance at the festival with artisan vendors and craftsmen selling custom tie dye pieces and goods. Created with community and family in mind, KettleJam is dedicated to creating a wholesome and inviting environment for all attendees, with a list of rules for safety on their official website to ensure a pleasurable experience.

(Photo Credit ChrisGamberPhotography)

The mega-festivals aren't for everyone. We're super small compared to others and people seem to really love the vibe. From anywhere on the grounds, you can hear the music from the stage, and make your way there before the song is over if you really want to. Or you can get there early, set your tent up in a good spot and watch it all while grilling a burger on your camp stove. 

-Susan Donoghue (festival co-creator)


The musical focus of the event leans heavily towards bluegrass and folk, but KettleJam is progressive, welcoming different types of interpretations of the genre, and a light show that would make Pink Floyd blush. Once the scheduled stage music winds down, late night "pickers" pull out their instruments and the jamming goes all night. You can walk through the camping areas and in almost any corner find a group of strangers playing together while onlookers are closeby watching, dancing, chatting, making new friends and being handed flyers about other new festivals to attend. By the end of the festival everyone feels like family or as previous attendees like to call it "jamily". 

(Photo Credit ChrisGamberPhotography)

Folk and Bluegrass music is evolving; reaching a wider, all inclusive audience. Our focus is mainly bluegrass but because its boundaries have reached beyond, it allows us to include bands that bring more progressive sounds and vibes to traditional music, known as jamgrass or newgrass in the bluegrass/jam band community. Also,in a genre historically represented by male artists, we strive to include women on our stage, adding to our overall goal of being more inclusive to all. 

-Lisa Sipple (festival co-creator)



352 Downs Chapel Road

Clayton, Delaware 19938


Jun 10, 2022 1:00 PM - Jun 12, 2022 5:00 PM


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